Sunday, October 21, 2012

Late Game Review of Max Payne 1

What do you get when you combine N.Y.P.D Blue, The Matrix, A John Woo film and the stylings of Tim Burton's dark atmosphere? That's right you get this!


Um.... No that is not what I meant in the slightest bit...


I don't know why I even bother with you! Ugh anyways the game I am talking about is Max Payne. This game is a cult classic and one of the last games that 3D Realms worked on. Released July of 2001 it was a big hit for PlayStation 2 and the other consoles that were out at the time. Once originally to be release on the Sega Dreamcast but was cancelled when the system was discontinued. (WHICH IS STILL A SAD DAY! >.< I LOVESED YOU DREAMCAST! I LOVESED YOU!)  After playing the game finally after 11 years of waiting and sitting, Not owning a PS2 and my parents thinking that rate M games were the devil I finally bought the game for 2 bucks at a local game store. At first I let it set on my shelf because I was scared of the game. No thanks to the movie.... 

After playing the game.... Fuck you movie.... Fuck you. And you sir are a peacock! You've got to let yourself fly!

So after about a week I finally sat down and played Max Payne on the PS2 and I was blown away in positive ways and in negative ways. But don't worry loyal fans of the game they were mostly positive(Kinda... Maybe). Besides the graphics looking aged (Because honestly this game did not age well at all! But I don't care about graphics when it comes down to this. What matters is the plot and gameplay.) but they were still passable. The story was absolutely amazing! You actually felt connected to the characters struggle and what he had to do. The in between comic stories were odd but interesting they told allot about the story but still left you wanting more. The dark atmosphere of New York was done so brilliantly and done so well that I all I could do was sit there and admire how awesome it looked. Now after me talking about the graphics and story it's time to get down the meat of the game. The juicy tasty part that makes you want to come back for more! (Now I want ribs.... That sounds fantastic right now. Not. Going. TO. LIE! Anyways back to the game.) It is the game play!  At times awesome than other times unforgivable. This paragraph is dedicated to nothing but the positives of the game. Playing the game jumping around dodging bullets in slow motion freaking awesome! Getting arsenal of different weapons throughout the game makes this a fun filled shooter. So those are the positives for this classical classic! Man that was a long paragraph! 

Max approves of this.... And says 665 the neighbor of the beast. Whatever that means! Plus look at his 'Ermygud' face!

Now here is the problems I had with this cult classic and I'm not going to lie to you there were quite a few. So put seatbelts on your ears because I am going to take them for the ride of there life!

Thank you Moss! 

Okay now like I said before I have nothing but respect for the game but saying that it is one of the greatest games of all time I can't really accept that. This game has some major issues at time with gameplay that made  me almost give up but I had to keep going. Because I am a persistent mother flipping hiphopopotamus! Anyways, one of my biggest beefs with this game was shooting. Yes it is a fun filled shooting game but oooooh my goodness the hit detection is so off! It's like you are forced to go into bullet time mode to hit the target and that is not even guaranteed  So you when you go into battle with any enemy you better make sure that bullet time meter is filled all the way up or you will have problems. Another issue I had with the game is jumping.... Which is not jumping in this game; it's like a tiny hop. Which later does not bode well. There is a level solely devoted to jumping from roof top to roof top and if you can't get that down you are doomed to fail. Really to be honest this game is a trial and error game. Which I accept but at the same time hate. See you don't get a checkpoint or a little halfway save point so when you die. You can just go back to that point. Not a prob and continue to play.  No in this you've got to go all the way back to the beginning of the "Chapter" as the game calls and do it all over again. Watching the same movies you watched not but five minutes go and what makes it worse... YOU CAN'T SKIP THE DAMN THINGS! Not is it only infuriating it is like the game is punishing you for dying! Another problem I have with this game is aiming.... OH MAN AIMING! I can't tell you how many times I died because my aim was being stupid. Say I was looking up at a enemy that was blowing the high holy crap out of me. I tried to shot him down but  what happens 5 seconds of me looking up Max decides that he is getting tired of looking up and levels himself out looking straight ahead. Not only does this get you killed it can be the most annoying  thing to deal with during gun battles. Which I've died at quite a few times because of this. Now this is a minimal thing compared to everything else but at times I had problem with the voice acting especially during the little comic excerpts  When you can tell some of the lines being read need to show a little emotion they still talk in a drone monotone style.

It was like Ben was reading the lines of this game! 

At times the characters did emote but not enough and the worse one with this was Max himself. He just didn't emote at all except for the beginning of the game. I get it. You've lost everything that is dear to you but when it sounds like you are angry or making a joke... PLEASE SOUND LIKE YOU ARE ANGRY OR MAKING A JOKE! Not to mention he seems to have trouble walking in a straight lines at times. Which gets worse as the game gets further into it. But my biggest, biggest, BIGGEST problem with the game. Is the random ramp in game difficulty at times. Now people are probably going well that is the point. You don't want it to easy throughout the game. Yes that is so true! Cause I hate games were it just a breeze to play the game. But this is a game that does my biggest pet peeve. Just get hard for no damn reason. Just going through a gun battle then all of sudden boom the difficulty got ramped up to mode 'Shoot me in the fucking head!' That is a problem and for someone that is running through the game their very first time that is not a good way to make them come back for more. Some will but others will sell the game as soon as they get done... If that! I know I was getting close to selling it myself at moments where I just had to sit there and yell at my television screen and do the traditional curse out the game even though that won't improve my chances anymore than it did a second ago. In a way I am kinda glad I didn't play this game years ago cause I honestly wouldn't have the patients for it like I have now. Which I am not going to lie you are going to have to have allot of patients to play this game because one mistake mean you get thrown back all the way to the beginning. Which is just pure anger! 


or this

So yeah Max Payne is a cult classic and so that leaves the question will I play the other two games in the series? Oh Hells yes but this one was just a pure pain in the ass. I couldn't believe I wasted so much time on it but I'm playing through it again on the hardest difficulty because I heard that you get a different ending but this time... I've got cheats! KONAMI IN DIS BITCH!! Anyways I just don't see what all the craze was about. I mean the story was kick ass, the graphics were awesome! (For it's time) The Bullet time was innovative idea and i was executed very well but besides that I just can't get past the gameplay and the struggles I had with it. The random ramps in difficulty at times and the aiming made me just want to give up. The game in a whole is a double edge sword that I am like yeaaaah no thanks at times. So with that being said I give Max Payne 1 a 3 out of  5. It doesn't live up to the hype that everyone kept cramming down my throat but maybe the other two fixed the problems I complained about. We shall see! Till then! 

Final Verdict 3 out of 5

Monday, October 1, 2012

Podcast?! What?! IMPOSSIBLE!

That's what Bane would say if he found out hey! We are doing a Podcast of awesome proportion. We've created a podcast that talks about all different subjects for the nerds to the geeks to enjoy or hate us... Please don't hate but appreciate or taste my fistiate? That sounded allot better in my head!! I mean with all these different subjects that we talk about we even gave it an awesome fancy fancy faaaaaancy name! IT IS CALLED!!! Subject: To Change.

I mean he thinks it's pretty fancy too..... Or he is reveiling in the fact his he looks stylish in that leather football gear..... I'm going with option 2 on that one.

Subject: To Change is going to have yours truly and 3 of my greatest allies and enemies.... We call ourselves Allomies! That is going to catch on I can feel it! We are at Podcast 5 now and with our famous facebook page we are truly ready for anything that is thrown at us. Now we are not only going to do Podcast but other events like Let's plays and beating each other to death with Lightsabers. I mean who doesn't want to watch that! Plus you ladies out there get to hear my damn, irresistible, sexy voice.  
Oh yeah I'm bringing that sexy back! OOOOOOOOOOOH! 

My blog will be used as a way to put my reviews of games, movies and other things that we had talked about on the podcast. So keep that in mind for updates and other cool things that will be happening in our area. Hell you may actually get to meet us! Then I can show you ladies my sweet, sweet moves! 


To check out our Facebook page the link is.
Like us on that page and we will be later creating other links to twitter and other sites. That will have your truly...... Oh and the Allomies too. I swear that will be a big word one day and I'll be like I started that shit.... Hipster? FUCK NO! More like Awesome mcAwesome! 

Thank you Moss! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My late review of Devil May Cry....1 kinda *shutter* & my hate for it.

Okay before I start this "review" I will stat that this is an honest opinion of this game. So before people go nuts and say this isn't a review. I am going to say yes. I know. This is my opinion. Since people in the world don't know what that is. I'll explain.... You shut the hell up and read the article and it'll be clear. We good? Gooooood. 

Okay let me start off saying yes... I am not a crazy fan of this series. You see people told me about the game and told me how good it was. How awesome it was. How it was some kind of holy god that the PS2 has produce. Blah, blah, blah aaaaand MEGA blah. Let me give you my honest opinion on DMC... I think it is ok. I don't think that the game deserved to be some mega hit like every one made it out to be. I feel that the hero is just nothing but a prick and honestly just a D-Bag that wears a red coat and died his hair white to be honest he is the first cosplayer before cosplaying was cool.... Which I know nothing about. I played the game finally and I liked at first.... then slowly, slooooowly began to hate it. I mean I found it at Entertainmart for 14 bucks and that is before I knew about the HD remix.... DAMN YOU CAPCOM! Anyways I played through the game and realized that it was a hack and slash adventure game. Which I liked for the first 5 minutes and realized that it got old real quick... I am a gamer that likes to play games that I can run through then go back and say yeah I can beat that in no time flat. But no my first big problem I have with this game or with any game is ranking how you did by the end of the level. I hate that shit. I really do. Capcom guys you don't have to rank everything. Some people just want to beat a game and NOT worry how long it took you to beat a level and if you are like me stubborn as hell and will not use Gamefaqs worth anything than you know that feeling of being stuck but being proud of yourself when you figure everything out on your own... Even if it took a day.... or a week.... Month.  But still you make through on your own! Getting a D rank at best. I just couldn't give a damn about the ranks. But I pushed through the game and I feel like I don't get anywhere with it. This was a big example of you the gamer chugging away at a game and it doesn't feel like you've done anything the story in my opinion is lame as hell. No pun intended. The game is hard which I am not going to complain about. Because Capcom looooooves screwing there fans over with that kind of stuff.  What I am going to complain about is the lack of well everything in it! The controls are wonky and really not meant for a hack  and slash game. They would work better for a survival horror game. Which if this game was a survival horror it would be a hell of allot more interesting. No pun intended! I can't stand the music for the game it's like this is all the techno that you didn't want to hear from the 90's or any era! I don't like DMC. Just plan and simple. I will not complain about graphics because it's way past the time and to be honest most of them look decent while the others just look like crap. I really don't understand why people have ranted and raved how good this game is when it really isn't. The aspect I truly did like was that you could customize your charaters moves. Creating awesome chain attacks which you may... or may not get but it mainly falls into the may not catergory. Trying to chain together attacks are just near impossible unless you are crazy enough to learn how which once again I just don't have the time to do that. I want to play through a game once and be like well I like it. It kept me satisfied from beginning to end. I liked the music, the story, the gameplay, the hero and the controls for the game. For this game I really can't say any of that. I can't say I like anything about it. To be honest I haven't even finished the game. I am stuck on some boss battle with a demon knight guy who decided to show his face and everybody and there mother decided to ruin that for me and told me that was Vincent. Dante's brother that is in the other games... Thank guys.. Thanks. Will I stop playing the series because of this game. Probably but I am a crazy, stupid, lonely(hey girls! call me?) man that will do everything in my power to make it through this awful series... Yes Capcom.... I awesome man have decided to take on this challenge and beat all four of your crap games and the new reboot coming up to show you.... That.... I'll.... Damn.... They have me on this one... Oh! That I don't need known of your damn DLC content or stupidty. I will speed through this series so I can give these people the review need but they don't deserve! The sad thing is... I love the DMC anime more than I like the games and I will explain why in a later review but all in all with the characters D-Bag factors(and I mean that everyone in this game is made of giant doouuccche! Kinda like the Marvel Universe!) this game gets a 2.3 out 5. Why? Because it is a pain in the ass. You hardly get enemies to fight and when you have to fight the bosses you better hope to God that you bought some yellow orbs or allot of healths or have enough power in your Devil Trigger cause you will be fucked if you don't. This is yet another sad let down cause I saw that this game had allot of potential only to be blown back on it's ass by control issues, music and Dante. Yet again the funny thing is I like him soooo much in the anime but I can't stand his guts in the games. I just don't know why maybe because he reminds me of a bully I knew... That moved to Canada.... Wait... His name started with a D too.... What if they are the... Same person! 

God I hate meme's but it seemed like the perfect time do one. 

All in all I know is Capcom needs to do something better to keep my attention this is getting old and they just want to get money from us gamers we need to tell them that we are not going to buy into there cheap..... Wait Venom is going to be released for MVC 3.... BYE! 

My god he even has a tan like a D-bag... Yep that is what his name is from now on.... D-bagion. I like that. 

Rated 2.3 out of 5

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My very late review of Sonic Generations.

It's been 20 glorious years. 20 years watching the blue hedgehog run and save the world from the evil hands of Dr. Robotnik/ Dr. Eggman. I still say Robotnik sounds cooler that is just me I mean look at this!                    

I mean........ Okay that is pretty damn sexy.........
Moving on....

AH OK! There we go! Dr. Robotnik himself.! That's more like it! 

But besides my hate to call him Eggman... I really do hate that. I get it! He looks like an egg and he has egg things... Like. 

The Death Egg.........
The Egg Viper....


Anyways back to my lovely point about Sonic Generations! What can I say about it... IT WAS AWESOME! From the idea to the nitty gritty of the game like the details and graphics for the game. Everything to expect from Sonic. They did what I've always wanted to see them do. They took what worked from past Sonic games and put them together in a way that it is really hard to say that this crap. (Which I did after dying allot at certain stages...) The game in a whole felt complete and awesome! It takes place on Sonic's well birthday and he is joined by his freinds to throw him an awesome brithday party! Until a Dark entity comes.... 

That wasn't what I was really talking about but oooooookay.....
I meant this guy! 

There we go!

This evil baddy comes and throws everyone into different parts of time and leaves Sonic to go find his friends were he meets his chubby counterpart..... CLASSIC SONIC! I couldn't tell you how excited I was when I saw this and got play as Classic Sonic. It brought back good ol' memories of my childhood until I remember some parts of the game that made me want to chuck my Genisis controller across the room back then. The two go off find there friends and collect the 7 chaos emearlds to go fight the Time Eater himself. I also laughed at the fact that Classic Sonic couldn't talk so he had to emote everything which was awesome! Now this is cool! Playing through your favorite levels from each game. I thought it was a pretty neat idea and fighting the mini bosses were pretty cool too! If you own the console versions PS3 to Xbox 360 you get to fight Metal Sonic (from Sonic CD), Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Adventure 2) the battle happens on the Ark which was awesome! And............. I hate this character with a freaking passion.... Silver the Hedgehog.... Probably why I hate him is because I hated that game so much but I digress this is about Sonic Generations! Not Sonic the crappy next gen.... They are all fun and exciting mini-boss fights which I enjoyed. Now for your boss battles it goes from classic Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog 2) to Modern Sonic(Sonic Colors) Now some of these can be frustrating but the pure detail that they put into the bosses make it so worth to play them over and over again. Each boss has a Normal Mode which makes it easier for you then a Hard Mode after you beat the boss the first time. For those insane achievement whores.... Like me! Going back to the gameplay mechanics the most you really will use these mechanics are for Modern Sonic which is somewhat of a shame but understandable. You have his boost that will help allot on some courses. Quick side steps to get out of an objects way and drifting which at first is hard to pick up on then as time goes on you slowly get it. The awesome engine from Sonic Unleashed is used in this game. The engine that will let you go from a 2D view which brought back allot of that classic Sonic feel to the game then it would switch back to the 3D view which every game after Sonic Adventure used. Sadly that engine didn't work well with that game because of one thing and one thing only..... 

I'm sorry this was the most stupidest aspect of that game! A Werehog! REALLY SEGA?! The sad thing is I know people who actually dig this and I just can't fathom why?! It's not Sonic! That just doesn't work! That is worse than him playing in a band! Thank God that never happened! 


Ok..... I think I am good... For now.... Ok.... 



Okay... After that experience! Back to the game... The game shows what Sega could truly do. Which makes me ask myself this.... WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU GUYS DO THAT IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE?! Seriously between SA1 and SG they've had so many console crapptastic Sonic games it's unbelievable(Except Sonic Colors and yeah that was it!) Anyways getting back to my review. The game at first is fun exciting and awesome... Then like every Sonic game after the legendary Sonic Adventure 2 it becomes a chore... And this is where I go into my negatives for this game. 

I think personally the replay value on the game is awesome with just all the levels that they have but once again they had to add something more. Negative thing number 1 there are 45 mini levels and there not shared because nooooo that would be waaaay to easy! No. There are 45 mine stages for classic Sonic and 45 stages for Modern Sonic. So a grand total of 90 mini stages. At first it isn't to bad until you realize that you've wasted so much time putting into the game that you just scream. 

Negative thing number 2 after stage three Classic Sonic's level become significantly harder. Not even going to lie. The Sonic I wanted to play as in this epic game I felt like I was being punished for playing as him. While Modern Sonic can just blow through each stage with ease and I mean with so much ease. On my first run through on this game I ranked all S's for Modern but for Classic I couldn't even make a B on the later stages. It was infuriating and absulotley stupid! I feel that the game should get harder for both Sonic's as the level progress and become crazier. Now some people have said "Well those stages were designed for that Sonic at the time so of course they would be easier for Modern."  That is still no excuse it's called equal exchange! You can't make one side heavier on a paper airplane and hope it will fly. It won't and that is what I felt like I had to deal with for the entire time I played as Classic sonic. A terrible experience with a controller through the wall. 

Negative thing number 3 You can't listen to the full versions of the songs that you've unlocked unless! You are in the gallery and even then it won't give you that satisfaction. What I mean about that is this after you beat one of those stupid mini stages you get a bell that you have to ring and chase after a musical note. A blue note is artwork and a gold one is a song. So you have to chase after it.(Which is another stupid part of this game.) before time runs out on it and you have to do it all over again. Once you collect the gold note you get a song. Which was exciting for me since I  am a big fan of all the Sonic music. Once you collect it you can play through a stage again or mini stage listening to that song you got which is cool! Except they don't give you the full song! I kid you not! I can't tell you how many times I listened to Live and Learn after Sonic Adventure 2 came out. I was obsessed  with that song and for those who don't know what I am talking about. 

This song... This song is just so much win! 

So when I finally got it unlocked I was stoked ready to listen to it over and voer agian.... Only to have my heart ripped out from cold, boney body. They played 2 minutes of the song tops on a loop. It includes the awesome guitar solo which is cool but I would like to hear the full song the song that let me know that I was saving the world from the evil Bio- Lizard! But they took that away from me! 

Negative thingy number 4 after you beat the game you can get Super Sonic.... ONLY FOR THE MAIN STAGES! Now I get why you don't get it for the Mini stages. They're supposed to be challenge stages... Which suck! But you can't go Super Sonic to fight the bosses. I would like to fight Perfect Chaos like I did in Sonic Adventure 1 thank you very much! I think that would be allot of fun but I guess they didn't see that is being the right thing to do or something. I don't know I know some of you probably didn't complain about that but that really got me. 

Negative thing number 5 You're telling me you couldn't have given me a two player race mode?! Sonic Adventure 2 did allot of things that changed Sonic forever. 

Hedgehogs with guns....*HEAD DESK*

And a kick ass 2 player system! It was so cool to race my way through each level especially my favorite level at the time and still to this day Radical Highway! So a decade after that game came out... Damn I feel old! Anyways you're telling me that you couldn't give a two player mode? I mean for craps sake you made 90 mini stages! That are just so stupid unless you're once again an achievement whore like me. It could have been pretty epic to have done different things in each level race against someone or helping each other. I mean for balls sake Sonic 2 had a two player mode! So there was no excuse for that madness.

 Negative thing number 6 For a game that supposedly has so much to do. Really has nothing to do at all. I mean really after you beat the game that is it. You're done. There is nothing else to do unless you want to S rank everything. (Which I would never do!) The game just ends. So you are sitting there going what now? That is what I asked after I beat Sonic Gen.... Then I played Sonic Adventure and the sad thing I rather play that game over and over again including Big the Cat and his awful fishing levels! Than run around and just get my rank to an S rank. So I guess it really boils down to this either you want to play the game again just to get a A to an S then go for it. If you are like me and are satisfied with what you have done you will put down the controller and go on with your dull, plain and boring life then give me a call when you want me to run you over with my truck or ladies give me a call and we can go to dinner and a movie.(FOREVER ALONE!)

Negative thing number 7 three letters that make three great words sometimes... Unless you're Capcom cause these three letters mean bank for them.... Damn you Capcom. DLC! I just found out not to long ago that on the DS version of this game you get a couple of different stages and Boss battles! Which at first I thought well of course cause it can't match the power of a modern day console. Until I took a look myself and saw what I was missing. I was blown away! Some of my favorite stages where on this game and I liked it a hell of a lot better than my version! So you would think Sega would be like 'Hey! We can remodel some of these levels and rehash some stuff and boom the Xbox 360 and PS3 can play these levels too!' NOPE! They haven't done that or released any info on doing anything like that. So that makes me wonder... Are they being lazy or have Sega and Nintendo finally combined there forces to make a huge empire to destroy other game companies with there marketing ploys? Nah going with lazy. I mean honestly if they were to do this they would make so much bank they have no idea. But oh well, I'm not the head of Sega it's this dumb guy....

Yeah cause of this guy Sonic games are ruined for all! 

Well besides those complaints and many others I had for the game. The game was all together a good game. I really feel if Sega wants to make a comback they should stick to this style until they get back on there feet.  Sonic has truly been my favorite video game character since I was 5 and I would love to see him continue on down that road at top speeds. So with that being said Sonic Generations gets a 3.9 out 5. I think they can do bettter and who knows maybe the next game will be better but until then we will never know! Until then! SONIC BOOM! 



Final Verdict 3.9 out of 5 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hello I am back with more fun filled amazment!

It has been awhile hasn't it? Well I am back to write more blogs and be like HEY! LOOK AT ME!  Only to find out that you out there are like wow this guy is nuts... I want to join him. See you all thought I was going to talk about something else huh? Well let's see what have I been up too since my last post. Well for starters I've been working on my second book in my chronicles series and I have created a Youtube page to add to it as well. Now you may be wondering. What are these great things that you have created how can it be? You creating great works of awesome! Also the one that is crazy as a hand grenade and sloooooooowly waiting for Sonic the Hedgehog to have a career again.

Yes I am talking about you sell out to Progressive commercials! 

But getting back to the point mister sell out! If no one knows I have written a book that is on and hopefully soon in bookstores... All. Around. The world. The book is called the Jon F, Blade Chronicles and is hopefully going to put me on the map. Finally a chance to share my great genius to the world... or scary, scary, scary psychosis known as insanity to the world. But if you want to see it go look for it on Amazon and those who aren't sure you want to trust me... I mean who would. Not I of course. I can't even trust myself whether to get a Big Mac or a Whopper. Which I really want one now but that is not the point! 

Now I am willing to promote my site on Facebook to show that I am ready to show you all a world that is exciting fun annnnnnnnd WILL BLOW YOUR MIND! From how awesome it is... Not how bad it is like Transformers. That was bad. I will be doing other things like my Youtube site where I am the ADHDKiD111 this site is for game and movie reviews that I am doing. I will later be using the site to make movies with like for my first project I will be making the M.D.K trailer for my book. 

Subscribe and all that jazz get down to the nitty gritty and meet me the one! The only that kid over here! Kinda guy. I don't know where I was going with that but I digress. I want a Whopper... Damn! Off subject again. Um let's go back in the notes... Okay here we are! Since I am finally following my dreams and actually taking a risk to do all of this. I want to see if the world will follow with me or let me get burned into a smoldering piece of OUCH! Who knows but I know that I need your help to make this dream come true so follow me! I'll take you by the hand and lead you to the gateway of awesomeness that is what matters the most. Besides that Whopper which I am going to get right now. Peace! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hello, hello all out there! I am here to talk to you about my new book that will be hitting shelves this February  I am really excited to see where this will go. I've worked very hard on this since I was 11 years old so it's been a long time and with the help of my dear friend Mr. Evans(Here is his site) and influences by others it is finally complete. Now am I scared of how people will take it? Yes actually I am but fear is apart of life it makes us stronger when we face it.

Now this book is classified as Science Fiction and if you are interested in that kinda thing this will be the book for you. Even if you are not. Check it out it may spark your interest which I really hope it does. I have made it in E-book format and as I stated earlier the paper back book version will be released in February of this year. It is on the Amazon website as of now and what is really cool if you Google search it pops up(Which I find freaking awesome!) I don't want to force anything on anyone but at least give it a try and comment on it. I am just trying to get the word out to people that don't know what is going on out there with my story and this is the best way to do so. BLOGGING ABOUT IT YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!

This is what the cover would look like. (Pretty unique)

Well I really don't have much to say but give it a try and see what you think of it. This is really my work of art that I can't wait to share to the world. So that is all I have to say to that. Have a good day to all and all a good night! Well in some regions morning. 
If you want the links here they are:

Yeah I know allot of things but I had to make sure my bases were covered. So my friends go out there and check it out! 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Causing Music Mayhem Since 1993 Day 22, 23 and 24

Hey, hey, hey! I've been gone for awhile spent the Christmas holiday with my family. Got a Kinect... I really don't know what I can play on this thing expect for dance games. I mean really what else is there to do with it? I am really trying to figure that out. Plus the added creepy factor that it follows you around when it's turned on makes me cringe... Well let's begin with my song list of the day!

Day 22: A song that you listen to when you are sad.

Like I said before I really feel this list is getting redounded but oh well. Hm... Well then that is something or is it? Now here we go! 

This really is a song that fits my mood. Well I think this would fit any ones mood when you just don't feel nothing is going right for you. You feel so lonely and nothing seems like it is going anywhere for you and hearing this song live was just plain freaking AWESOME!

Day 23: A Song that you would like to play your wedding.

A song that I would like to be played at my wedding is one that I can now re-listen too (After a long period of time.) Is by far one of my favorite songs ever. 

For my future wife!(Someday that is for sure!)


Day 23: A song that you want played at a funeral

One song that sticks out in my mind that I would love to get played at my funeral is something that I feel really explains my life in a 3 minutes song. Well more like 3:54 so close to 4 minutes if anything... or something like that. Either way when I die I would love to hear this song played.(Now you maybe wondering... How will he hear it when he is clearly dead? Trust me. My Batman skills will allow me to hear the song while dead and will then bring me back to life! Scary? Nope I would think it would be awesome!) 

This song will say don't worry guys even though I am gone I want you to go on strong with your lives. I want you all to keep pushing forward and doing your best to make your lives better and everyone elses that are close to you. In time everything does passes by and everyone will be alright in the end. So we all just have to wait 'til that time when everything will get better and when we can meet again. I cherish this song for it's overall beauty and peace that it has. I hope all of you out there like it as well. 

SO I once again apologize for the wait I have just been busy with other things. I will try to keep up my post as much as I can! Plus I'm sorry this one is such a lazy one just haven't been feeling all that great and trying to be funny with a headache not that great of a combination. Well that is all I have to say to that see you all later!